Another award for GVA Redilco: a few months after the promotion of La Repubblica Affari & Finanza – which, confirmed GVA Redilco “Campione della Crescita” (literally “Champion of growth”) also for 2019, – today it is the turn of Il Sole 24 Ore that in collaboration with Statista, world leader of statistical analysis, has included GVA Redilco amongst the top 400 Italian companies with the greatest turnover growth during 2015 – 2018, awarding the firm as one of the “2020 Growth Leaders”.
GVA Redilco recorded an average annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36.40% which led to the opening of new business lines in parallel with the consolidation of the company’s core sectors: Office, Logistics and High Street Retail.
Technology and innovation are the key levers that have driven the business of many of the companies awarded. The continuous success of GVA Redilco, which grows in terms of number of employees and turnover, has been achieved thanks to a unique and innovative approach to the market, based on investments in human resources, the development of constantly updated skills and the search for new digital tools to implement in a market, which traditionally has always been low-innovation, especially in the residential sector which has seen the debut of GVA Redilco thanks to the recent acquisition of Sigest.