Out of a total of 120 residential projects which have been placed on the market since 2017 – concerning newly constructed and completely renovated buildings – 75% have been already sold.
Compared to the last survey, there were 37 new projects, corresponding to a total of 933 units, and the number of new projects identified had increased by about 19%.
The area that has seen the greatest increase in terms of new projects is the Ring road area (+ 65%), followed by the Bastioni and the Centre areas with almost the same percentage.
Regarding overall stock, 88% of projects have less than 50 apartments each (47% have less than 20 and 41% have a number of units ranging between 21 and 50). Four projects comprise over 120 flats and these are CityLife, Porta Nuova, Parco Vittoria and Giardini d’Inverno, which represent 28% of the city’s entire housing stock.
In 2017, 940 units were sold, a 50% increase on 2016, when 610 units were sold.
The residential letting market is also confirmed as a growing sector, due both to the increase in demand and to the rising interest for innovative formats.