Welcomed, the first multidisciplinary healthcare center dedicated to children and families, inaugurated its third Milanese branch last week on via degli Olivetani.
More than just a high-quality outpatient clinic, Welcomed is an innovative social and solidarity project that introduces a new element to the healthcare system, alongside public and private sectors.
Founded in 2013 in Milan, Welcomed is a social enterprise that reinvests every margin from its services into solvency in the form of the “Visita Sospesa”. As a matter of fact, every visit conducted in the centers contributes to providing free access to exams, medical and psychological therapies, and educational support for individuals and families in fragile situations. Out of the 21,149 services provided by Welcomed in the first 6 months of 2023, 6,887 were free, and 70% of these were directed towards minors.
The new Milanese location spans over 668 sqm on 2 floors, with 17 examination rooms, a gym, and a dedicated family space for boosting study and offering courses for parents. This third center joins the two existing ones in Porta Romana, bringing Welcomed’s overall offering to 31 specialized practices covering over 1,100 sqm with more than 100 specialists.
Dils’ support for the initiative is part of the Give Back program that the company promotes in Milanese neighborhoods in favor of social, cultural, and sports-related non-profit organizations and entities.